Blake Embers

Age: 23
Level: 23
Birthday: February 23
Class: Warrior
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Eastern Town
Special Skills: Hero Prophecy

Hobbies: Collects swords
Likes: Sour food, stories about Heroes
Dislikes: His own lack of skill

In the ashy ruins of the Embers' Estate stands a stone tablet. On it Blake's Hero Prophecy is scrawled. "The first son born with hair of flames is destined for greatness." Needless to say, that put a lot of pressure on the young boy, but no outside pressure could ever be as powerful as the internal one he put on himself.

"I must be great. I must be strong. I must be a Hero!"

After losing his family twice to the fires his sister started, Blake's outlook on life died with them. If he was so great, why did that happen? With each compounding feeling of failure, he simply started to fail even more.

Still, he joined the party to fight the Overlord with his sister at her request - it would be good experience. Meeting April, he started to improve over time, gaining confidence from the other destined Hero. From Kent, he learned to be better with his sword. Things were looking up for the young boy, and though he still often showed weakness, he was proud to finally notice his own potential.

Until one trip to the snowy mountaintops of Death Peaks, where his insecurity, and paralyzing fear of fire, cost him the greatest failure and loss yet.

"I can't be great. I can't be strong. I can't be a Hero..."

As blood spills across the snow, and the tearing sound of flesh echoes through the smoke-filled skies, Blake's confidence leaves him, perhaps this time for good.
