Erwin Gates

Age: 27
Level: 80
Birthday: August 28
Class: Rogue
Occupation: Mayor
Place of Birth: Perk City
Special Skills: Lockpicking | Expert Hearing | Disarm Trap

Hobbies: Travelling
Likes: Money, Expensive cheeses
Dislikes: Annoying people

Erwin Gates is a lot of things: The richest and, perhaps self-proclaimed, smartest man alive, the mayor of the illustrious Perk City, a business man, and a World-Class Hero. He's other things too, but he doesn't like talking about those.

Before Perk came into his possession, it was owned by his parents, a pair of gambling addicts who almost drove the city to bankruptcy. Upset with both their treatment of the city, and their treatment of him, Erwin spent most of his time at the church. However, he was quickly developing a bad habit, and soon did something to the church he was sure they'd never forgive.

As the hulking mass of Gunn approached him, he thought, "I'm going to die here."

True, the apologetic smack to the back the priest gave him while grinning widely almost broke him in two, but the following invitation to travel the world together as Heroes took him by surprise.

Still fearing for his life, he agreed, and the two began a partnership that would last for years to come. They raided dungeon after dungeon hoping to use the treasure they found to pull Perk up from bankruptcy.

When they returned, Erwin found his parents dead and a golden opportunity in his hands. Perk was now his.
