Gunn Rose

Age: 25
Level: 80
Birthday: November 16
Class: Priest
Occupation: Priest
Place of Birth: Perk City
Special Skills: Group Healing | Concentration | Heal+

Hobbies: Drawing and Singing
Likes: Charity Work
Dislikes: Con-Artists

Even at a young age, Gunn put considerable effort towards helping his parents around their church. He started developing his healing skills early in his life and was always more than willing to cure any explorers who visited, any townsfolk who got hurt on the job, and especially any of the orphans who live in the church if they injured themselves while playing. His enthusiasm for healing others was maybe a bit too strong.

He had little interest in becoming an adventurer at first, and it wasn't until meeting Erwin, a young boy that spent considerable amount of time at the church, that he started to realize the true joys of traversing the land, fighting monsters, and taking treasure:

Your allies get hurt. They get hurt a lot.

When not shuffling along behind the party saving the world, Gunn can be found in the basement of his parent's church. In the dim candle light, he works hard at perfecting his other passions - drawing comics (under the alias Rose) and his unique blend of Religious Hymns and what other worlds may know as Rock.

Someday, he hopes his parents let him perform at a service.
